Dimension Pictures Private Limited, renowned for its commitment to cinematic excellence, is thrilled to announce the phenomenal success of i...
Dimension Pictures Private Limited, renowned for its commitment to cinematic excellence, is thrilled to announce the phenomenal success of its latest masterpiece, "Being Alive." Breathtaking in its depth and poignant storytelling, *"Being Alive" will grace the illustrious Cannes Film Festival under Short Film*
At the helm of this cinematic triumph is the visionary Liaquat Gola, whose unparalleled passion and unwavering dedication have brought "Being Alive" to fruition.
Directed with unparalleled vision and finesse by Chandrakant Singh, "Being Alive" is set against the backdrop of life's enigmatic tapestry, the film takes viewers on an emotive journey, exploring the profound intricacies of existence and the essence of being truly alive.
"Being Alive" boasts a stellar ensemble cast, including the incomparable Rajpal Yadav, the enchanting Sezal Sharma, the mesmerizing Niharika Raizada, and the talented Lokesh Singh. Each performance resonates with authenticity, breathing life into characters that linger in the hearts and minds of audiences long after the credits roll.
With a soul-stirring screenplay penned by the gifted M Salim and breathtaking visuals captured by the visionary DOP Javed Ahtasham, the film transcends conventional storytelling, offering a profound meditation on the human experience.
Under the artistic guidance of acclaimed art director Anil Gunjal, each frame of "Being Alive" is a visual spectacle, weaving together elements of beauty and poignancy to create a cinematic masterpiece that resonates with audiences on a profound level.
Producer and story writer, Liaquat Gola says, ”Screening my movies at the Cannes Film Festival is a dream realized, a testament to the passion and dedication poured into 'Being Alive.' It's a celebration of storytelling that transcends borders, touching hearts and inspiring minds across the globe.”
Reflecting on the short film and its presence at the Cannes Film Festival, Rajpal Yadav says, ”Being part of 'Being Alive' has been an enriching journey, and its showcasing at the Cannes Film Festival is a proud moment for all involved. It's an honor to be part of a project that resonates with audiences on a global scale.”
Producer and director Chandrakant Singh said, ”Creating 'Being Alive' has been a labour of love, and its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival is a culmination of our collective vision and dedication. It's a joy to see our storytelling resonate on such a grand stage, and I'm grateful to Liaquat Gola for the opportunity to share this journey with audiences around the world.”
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