The much-awaited trailer of the upcoming composite animated mythological film, ' Luv You Shankar,' which promises to weave a magical...
The much-awaited trailer of the upcoming composite animated mythological film, ' Luv You Shankar,' which promises to weave a magical story of faith, friendship, and adventure, is released recently. The film is directed by Rajiv S Ruia, produced by Sunita Desai from SD World Films Production, VisicaFilms Pvt Ltd, and stars Shreyas Talpade, Tanishaa Mukerji, Abhimanyu Singh, Sanjay Mishra, Hemant Pandey and Mann Gandhi.
Set against the backdrop of the sacred city of Banaras, the film revolves around the endearing bond between an eight-year-old boy and Lord Shiva, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, thus making the film a complete family entertainer.
Talking about his excitement for the film Shreyas said, ”Being part of 'Luv You Shankar' was amazing. It's a story that will make you smile and think about the wonders of life. Such kind of film can touch moviegoers' hearts, making it even more special and I am excited to treat my audience with this beautiful film.”
Tanisha Mukerji added, "I loved being a part of this special movie. It's a beautiful tale that touches your heart and makes you believe in something bigger. Our adorable little lord Shiva will definitely make you smile."
Director Rajiv S Ruia shared, "With 'Luv You Shankar,' we wanted to create a movie that brings joy and inspires everyone who watches it. The story will take you on a magical journey to Banaras and beyond."
Producer Sunita Desai from SD World Film Production, also expressed their excitement, saying, "We are thrilled to share the trailer of 'Luv You Shankar' with the world. It's a movie filled with love and hope, and we can't wait for everyone to see it."
‘Luv You Shankar’ has released in theatres today in four languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
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