The cast and crew of RD Nath’s 'Beautiful Life' were in attendance at Priya for its premiere on Friday, September 22. The poignant f...
The cast and crew of RD Nath’s 'Beautiful Life' were in attendance at Priya for its premiere on Friday, September 22. The poignant film revolving around art and the concept of love in its varied hues, it stars Rituparna Sengupta and Tota Roy Chowdhury in the lead roles ably supported by a strong cast comprising Paran Bandopadhyay, Kalyani Mondal, Sreela Majumdar, Debosmita Banerjee and Sayantani Sengupta. While Rituparna and Tota play artists madly in love with each other Sayantani effortlessly pulls off the role of Tota’s wife Jhumki who is suffering from irreversible cerebral atrophy. Paran is Rituparna’s scientist father who takes up the challenge of searching for a cure for Jhumki, setting off a trail of tragic events that threaten to destroy him and his family.
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