The musical extravaganza organised by Swaranjali Delhi and Pracheen Kala Kendra Chandigarh, premiered on August 15, at 8pm. The five-hour co...
The musical extravaganza organised by Swaranjali Delhi and Pracheen Kala Kendra Chandigarh, premiered on August 15, at 8pm. The five-hour concert had dancers perform various styles as offerings to the celebration of the 75th year of Independence of India.
Larisa Podskochaya
from Lativa presented a Jaatiswaram. Anindita Neogy Anaam presented
'Aiswarya, Message of Peace' in her graceful Kathak movements. Brigitta
Hegedues from Germany along with her team performed a fusion choreography to
'Vande Mataram'.
Gauri Priscilla
Brullhart presented Kathak. She began with a Shiva Vandana and concluded with a
short technical piece in drut laya, Teentaal, a 16 beats rhythm pattern.
Koleva Oksana from
Japan performed Pallavi, a technical piece in Odissi, a popular item
choreographed by late Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra, based on Raag Saveri and Taal
Taalmaalika. The following dance performance was Moksha, in Odissi performed by
Kristina Luna from Lithuania. The piece ended with an ode to Shakti.
Vidushi Poornima
Ashok from Bengaluru, performed Bharatnatyam. The composition and choreography
of 'Ardhanareeshwara' was well elaborated in her neat and graceful
presentation. Lali Galucci from Argentina presented yet another beautiful
composition to 'Shri Ramachandra Kripalu Bhajamana' set to raag Yamana Kalyani
and Mishra Chappu taal.
The last dance
performance of the virtual concert was by Harpreet Kaur from Delhi. She began
with a Shiva stuti and concluded with a technical piece in drut laya Teentaal.
She performed Paranjudi amad, a Bant and ended with a Paran.
It was indeed a
delight to watch dancers from across the globe practicing and conserving the
rich dance heritage of our country. Subrata De, the curator of the concert
deserves special mention in bringing so many artists together under the same
banner and performing to celebrate our Independence.
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