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Ravindra Gautam and Raghuvir Shekhawat form Do Dooni 4 Films

Writer-director duo  Ravindra Gautam and Raghuvir Shekhawat have joined hands and formed their production house Do Dooni 4 Films. While the ...

Writer-director duo Ravindra Gautam and Raghuvir Shekhawat have joined hands and formed their production house Do Dooni 4 Films. While the former has directed several shows, the latter is the man behind the writing of many popular shows. They shared that their combined experience and expertise doubled the creativity of their banner, and thus the name Do Dooni 4 Films.

Their debut show “Shravani” is already on-air, and their second show “Dahej Daasi” will go live soon. Ravindra said, “Raghuvir Shekhawat (writer-producer) and I have an experience of over 25 years in this industry. Raghuvir ji has been one of TV's most prolific writers since the last 25 years, also having several films and web series under his belt, while I have directed and produced numerous successful TV shows, films, and web series.”

“A writer-director duo together as a creative force is always double power, and these are times of ‘double engine ki sarkaar’, so there couldn’t have been a better name,” he added. 

They are both like-minded, and as colleagues they have given many hits together and that’s how the production banner came into being. “Good writing and direction are the core formula for success of any film, web or TV series. We’ve worked together as writer and director on numerous successful TV shows and respected and liked each other’s work,” Raghuvir said. 

“Also, we bonded well as colleagues in all the collaborations we worked together and as creative people our thoughts are usually on the same page, so we both thought we together could be a great combination. That was the birth of ‘Do Dooni 4 Films’,” he added. 

Ravindra believes that name plays an important role in getting the eyeballs, as it’s about drawing the audience’s interest from the first glimpse. “Whether it is the name, storyline, screenplay or dialogues, everyone wants something catchy, something out of the box, something disruptive,” he added.

While he agrees that name plays a big part, Raghuvir emphasised that it’s also important to build a connection with the audience. “It has always been paramount. Any successful story ‘has’ to connect with the viewers. And yes, with so many mediums easily available at the click of a button, the audience is much more mature, much more aware. But it’s not that they want only realistic content, they want all kind - drama, fantasy, romance, action, everything, but it must connect. And that’s where, as an experienced writer and director duo we hope of scoring better,” he said.

The duo has received good feedback for their show “Shravani”, and called it a great experience. Ravindra said, “We are 250 episodes and running means we have the audience’s mandate. The numbers show that they are loving our story telling.”

Future plans? “Our plan is to cater to all the above diverse platforms available today. There are many projects in the pipeline. Our first TV series has completed 250 episodes and is successfully running and the second series has come on air from 12th February. We are also doing episodic crime series for a leading channel,” Raghuvir concluded.

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