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Actresses talk about being capable daughters of their families

From taking on responsibilities even as a young adult to being the protective, pampered one at home, being a daughter is a journey that ever...

From taking on responsibilities even as a young adult to being the protective, pampered one at home, being a daughter is a journey that every girl enjoys. This National Daughter’s Day, celebrities talk about the significance of daughters in their families.

Celesti Bairagey

I am the eldest child in the family, I have a younger brother. I grew up in Assam in a colony, and we always used to play around with other kids in the society, that is a reason why it is easy for me to get along with people around. My parents have always been very supportive of my decisions. Being a daughter and a sister makes me feel like a princess. My brother Mridutpol is younger than me but has always been an elder brother to me in terms of taking care of and protecting me. My relationship with my parents hasn't changed a lot, it's still the same since I was a child. They are the people I can run to sharing anything that is going on in my life. They are my biggest cheerleaders.

Farnaz Shetty
Being a daughter is one thing and being the eldest daughter is another. I am the eldest daughter in my family, which comes with a lot of responsibility. The first child always becomes an inspiration among all the kids. The younger brothers and sisters look up to us and parents expect a lot from us. I have always lived under pressure and held a lot of responsibilities when it comes to being an elder daughter. I love being a woman, a daughter, and a girl and I love the responsibilities that I hold, otherwise life will become boring. I love the way my cousins and friends look up to me. My mother is really proud of me for whatever I do and the I am shaping up. And gives me a lot of happiness. I also feel I am on the right path when I see my mother happy. My relationship with my mother has changed. I was always a very naive and brilliant student, so her expectations of me, as compared to my brother, have always been higher. I have given that much and made that space in my family. Every time I do something better, I get love and appreciation from everybody around me. So the bond and everything keeps getting better and thicker over time. I have a very progressive personality so I keep on changing every day and every year. I am a surprise to people, to my own parents.

Surabhi Das
Being the only daughter of my family, it feels special but with that feeling comes many responsibilities. I've never been that Papa ki Pari girl or one whom everyone pampers. I had to take responsibility for our home very early. I feel this thing shaped me into the woman I am now, more responsible, more caring, and more mature. Being a daughter, I feel so proud that I make decisions for my family, I'm as important as my brother is. My opinions are equally important. But over the years my relationship with my parents has changed, I've become closer to my mother.

Sheeba Akashdeep
Being a daughter is very special, especially in a household that thinks, ‘beti laxmi hoti hain. So, in all the festivals in the house, as you are growing up, a girl child gets more gifts! At my place, both genders are given equal education. But being a girl, I got special treatment and they were quite protective of me as compared to their son. My relationship with my parents has just got stronger over time. After my marriage, I crave their company even more and the love has gotten more intense.

Simple Kaul
I grew up in a family of two daughters, where gender equality was a core value. Our parents, both career-oriented, emphasized the importance of education and self-reliance for us. Unlike many households that prioritized marriage for girls, it was never a focus in our discussions; instead, our parents instilled the importance of pursuing higher education and excelling in our studies. We attended a co-ed school to avoid gender distinctions and taboos. Our home was open to male friends, and we freely visited their homes, breaking gender stereotypes. In our family, there was no differentiation between boys and girls; we were equals. After education, we pursued our careers and now take care of our parents, continuing their legacy. I've never felt a difference in treatment due to being daughters instead of sons; we were the heroes of our parents' world. This upbringing empowered us, fostering a sense of privilege, freedom, and love that goes beyond career success.

Aradhana Sharma
My upbringing as a daughter in my family emphasized equality, education, and independence. This upbringing shaped my life by instilling values of empowerment, freedom of choice, and strong moral foundations. Being a daughter is special because it means being treated as an equal and having the freedom to pursue my dreams. Over the years, my relationship with my parents has evolved into a mutual appreciation and care, as I now take on a role in caring for them, continuing the legacy of love and support they provided me.

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