Since the release of its trailer, the film Panch Kriti - Five Elements has been making headlines in the media. This thought-provoking film r...
Since the release of its trailer, the film Panch Kriti - Five Elements has been making headlines in the media. This thought-provoking film revolves around the themes of female foeticide, women empowerment, and the eradication of superstitions. The trailer has been receiving an overwhelming response from the audience, with people expressing their enthusiasm and support for the film's compelling dialogues and thought-provoking concept.
The star-studded
cast, including Brijendra Kala, Sagar Vahi, Purva Parag, and Sarika Bharoliya,
along with the talented director Sanjay Bhargav and writer Haripriya Bhargav,
engaged with the media during a press conference organized at the Habitat
Centre in Delhi for the film's promotion.
While numerous
films have depicted stories from rural India and small towns, only a few have
done so with genuine authenticity. Panch Kriti - Five Elements stands out as it
is set in Chanderi, a city located in the heart of Bundelkhand. What makes this
film even more special is that it was shot in real locations throughout Bundelkhand, ensuring an immersive and authentic experience for the
audience. The film features accomplished actors, including Brijendra Kala,
Umesh Bajpai, Sagar Vahi, Purva Parag, Mani Soni, and Ravi Chauhan, who have
delivered remarkable performances in key roles. The film's narrative delves
into crucial social issues, including women empowerment, cleanliness,
superstitions, and the harrowing practice of female foeticide, all of which are
poignantly showcased in the trailer.
Director Sanjoy
Bhargav shared that the film's genuine locations add a compelling dimension to
the storytelling, creating a realistic and immersive viewing experience. Unlike
films created on sets, authenticity cannot be replicated. When audiences
witness a town or village on the big screen, they should feel as if they have
truly arrived there, experiencing the essence of that place.
The film's writer
and producer, Haripriya Bhargav, said that through the five distinct
stories in the film, they aim to acquaint the audience with the multifaceted
nature of Chanderi. Panch Kriti - Five Elements' sheds light on several
pertinent social issues. “We believe that this film will not only entertain but
also enlighten and inspire, generating a significant impact.”
Produced by Ubon Vision Private Limited, Panch Kriti - Five Elements is a women-centric film that powerfully addresses various women-related issues. Additionally, it raises awareness about crucial campaigns in India, such as Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, and the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. To further engage audiences, every cinema show will offer lucky draw participation with attractive prizes, including smart TVs, smartphones, bicycles, and home theatre systems. The film is set to hit theaters on August 4th, promising a captivating cinematic experience.
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