The premiere show of ‘The Doyen’s Journey Through Time’ was held on May 5, Friday evening at the Uttam Mancha. Directed by acclaimed documen...
The premiere show of ‘The Doyen’s Journey Through Time’ was held on May 5, Friday evening at the Uttam Mancha. Directed by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Indranil Sarkar, the film on the legendary filmmaker and actor Sushil Majumdar has been produced by Sanjay Mishra, the doyen’s grandson. The premiere had a host of celebrities in attendance which included Abhijeet Guha Anjan Bose of Aurora Films. The event was anchored by veteran journalist and curator Ratnottama Sengupta.
“Sushil Majumdar-The Doyen’s Journey Through Time” highlights the man, the director, and the legacy Majumdar left behind with reference to the changing time which was witnessed by the history of the country. It features interviews with film personalities who had worked with Majumdar like veteran actors Nirmal Kumar, Lily Chakraborty, Paintal, Sabitri Chatterjee, lyricist Dev Kohli, producer Umesh Mehra, filmmaker Sandip Ray, and poster designer Gouram Barat among others who spoke on how he moulded them to better their performances. Majumdar’s daughter Sunanda Mishra, and grandson Sanjay Mishra threw light on him as a strict disciplinarian on the sets but a loving family man at home. Shatabdi Roy and Bhanu Banerjee’s son too have shared their thoughts on the legendary filmmaker and how he is a source of inspiration for future actors and filmmakers.
An emotional Sanjay Mishra thanking the crew and the audience for coming for the screening said he has dedicated the docu-film to his late mother on her 82nd birth anniversary which was on May 4.
Indranil Sarkar said he was blessed to have been given the chance to chronicle the life of a path-breaking filmmaker who was much ahead of his times. An awarding-winning filmmaker, Sarkar has made numerous documentaries like “The Turning Point” on Irom Sharmila, “The Worker-For A Drop of Honey” on human honey collectors in the Sunderbans, “Minority Diary” on the four minority communities Sikhs, Christians, Jains, and Buddhists.
Sushil Majumdar was one of the pioneers who paved the glorious path of the Bengali film industry and Indian cinema. He left an indelible mark on the film industry with classics like “Lal Patthar”, “Hospital”, “Jogajog”, “Rikta” and "Bhanga Gara” to name a few in his career spanning five decades. He worked with all the greats of his time including Raj Kapoor, Ashok Kumar, Uttam Kumar, Suchitra Sen, Supriya Devi, Chabi Biswas, Bhanu Banerjee, Raaj Kumar, Naseem Banu, Hema Malini. Rakhee as well as Satyajit Ray.
Majumdar started his career in 1928 and directed several Bengali and Hindi classics. The memorable Hindi classic “Lal Patthar” with a stellar cast comprising Raaj Kumar, Hema Malini, and Rakhee completed in 1971 was his last directorial venture. He kept acting in Bengali films till his last days, passing away in March 1988.
The unique poster of
the documentary designed by Goutam Barat had been launched on September 10 last year.
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