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Ontologist & relationship expert Aashmeen Munjaal conducts two-day corporate training programme

Aashmeen Munjaal, an ontologist & relationship expert, and founder of the  Shukrana Gratitude Foundation , successfully conducted a two-...

Aashmeen Munjaal, an ontologist & relationship expert, and founder of the Shukrana Gratitude Foundation, successfully conducted a two-day Corporate Training Programme on the power of manifestation, gratitude, and the mental health of employees. The training programme focused on the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and how it can impact an individual's productivity and overall well-being. 

Aashmeen talked about how a team member's positive energy can affect the entire work environment, leading to a more productive and harmonious workplace. The training programme also highlighted the importance of mental health in the workplace and how it affects employees' work and personal lives. She shared various techniques and strategies to overcome stress, anxiety, and negative emotions that can hinder productivity and personal growth.

In her address, Aashmeen emphasized that a negative mindset and emotions such as fear and jealousy can hold one back from achieving professional and personal goals. She encouraged participants to remain grateful and positive, even in challenging situations. Employees from various industries attended the Corporate Training Programme, including IT, finance, and healthcare. 

Aashmeen stated, "It was an honor to conduct this programme and interact with such a diverse group of professionals. I hope the participants found the program helpful and gained practical insights to improve their work and personal lives."

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