The cast and crew of “Tar Golpo” (Her Story} were present at the premiere of the film on Friday, April 1 at Cinepolis, Lake Mall. Sudipta De...
The cast and crew of “Tar Golpo” (Her Story} were present at the premiere of the film on Friday, April 1 at Cinepolis, Lake Mall. Sudipta Dey’s film which has won so many awards on the international platform traces the real life struggles of the filmmaker as he faced trouble both from the Censor Board and personally when his wife falls a victim to cancer. The director caught between Censor and Cancer fights two battles – trying to release his film and trying to save his wife. Does he emerge victorious forms the crux of the story.
The film has cameos
by some leading personalities like Ashok Ganguly, former jurist, Sujan Chakraborty
and Anurabha Ghosh, former politicians and social workers, Raja Sen, National Award-winning film director, Ardendhu Sen, IAS officer and Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya,
politician and lawyer among others.
The film which
stars the director himself and Soma Indu Dey in the lead roles also has the
legendary actor late Soumitra Chatterjee in his last screen appearance in a pivotal
role along with Ramen Roychowdhury, Papia Sen, Devraj Roy and Bimal Banerjee.
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