Iceberg Creations’ maiden film venture “Akorik” is all set to hit theatres soon. Revolving round a growing crisis being faced by people acro...
Iceberg Creations’ maiden film venture “Akorik” is all set to hit theatres soon. Revolving round a growing crisis being faced by people across the country - the disintegration of the joint family system, it is directed by Tathagata Bhattacherjee and produced by Ashok Pareek. The Bengali feature film has a unique story centred round the bonding between a 75 year old man, who grew up under the traditional joint family structure, and a 10 year old kid, who lives with his single mother. The two connect despite coming from different family structures and share a brief but significant journey together.
Akorik’s starcast
is led by Victor Banerjee, Rituparna Sengupta, Anuradha Roy, Supratim Roy along
with Angana Bose, Sudeshna Chakraborty, Jayashree Adhikary, Anindo Sarkar,
Abhishek Ganguli. Child actors Swapnadip Adhikary and Ankan Mallick play key roles
with Swapnadip playing Victor Banerjee’s childhood self.
Akorik marks veteran
actor Victor Banerjee’s return to Bengali cinema after a long time.
Incidentally, he had starred in Tathagata’s debut film as well “Antarghaat” which
released in 2001.
The cast and crew had
gathered for a media interaction at The Galaxy on Friday.
Rituparna Sengupta
said she got a chance to celebrate positivity in the midst of the Covid crisis.
“The shooting was done last year in August-September in Kasauli, Himachal
Pradesh just after the second wave of Covid. In the midst of all the
restrictions, we fought against all odds for Akorik. I feel this film will take
Bengali film content to another level.”
Supratim Roy has
played the key role of Victor Banerjee's son who is a scientist and stays in
abroad, his character justifies the real-life crisis of NRIs.
“It’s an effort to
talk about the disintegration of Bengali families down the ages…. the traditional
joint family structure broke into nuclear families and today it has further
reduced to single parenting. Are we drifting away from our roots more and more?
I have tried to seek answers through this film and I firmly believe that people
all over the world would connect with this film,” said Tathagata, who has been
making films since 1994.
Producer Ashok
Pareek said: “I found the subject very relevant as not only Bengali families
but all families are going through the disintegration process. In some
communities, the process began decades back and in others, the process has begun
“Along with its theatrical,
satellite and OTT releases we would be screening the film in various film festivals.
We are also planning a number of thematic events based on the different issues
talked about in the film. I feel ‘Akorik’ would eventually become a significant
film for Bengali cinema.,” says Deepak Pareek, associate producer.
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