Tarun Khanna will soon be seen in short film "The Pill", which revolves around three individuals and one decision that they mutual...
Tarun Khanna will soon be seen in short film "The Pill", which revolves around three individuals and one decision that they mutually agreed on. The short film, directed by Nikhil Kumar and produced by FNP media and Fillme Networks Private Ltd, hit the tube on July23. The actor revealed that after he heard the narration he realised that the title fits perfectly.
He said, "The title itself is very catchy and unique. When the director narrated the whole thing to me then I realized how apt the title was. It was a very symbolic kind of a title and also very direct in a way. I really liked it."
The shooting of the short film was done during the pandemic and Tarun thanked the production house for taking utmost care and precautions. "When we shot for this short film in Delhi everybody was checked thoroughly. We all had to get our RTPCR tests before the shoot. Every morning, evening or at least thrice a day they were checking everybody's temperature and oxygen levels using oximeters. There were sanitisers everywhere and people were wearing masks all the time. It was quite professional, the production was very particular about it," he said.
Heaping praise on them, he further said, "FNP have a very big name in the hospitality industry and they didn't disappoint me. They were very good with their hospitality and I am very happy. I would like to congratulate them and I would like to wish them the best. On this new venture of entering the digital space, I hope that they get the same success that they've got in the hospitality industry."
FNP Media has forayed into the digital space and have produced short films like "Almariyaan", "Chuha Billi", "Happy Birthday" and "Red Shirt", to name a few. Talking about short films, Tarun shared that this format of movies has a lot of scope.
He said, "Everybody doesn't have the patience to watch a film or a web series, say 40 mins, 10 episodes in one season. There is a loyal audience for that kind of product also but now people are slowly showing a lot of interest in short films."
"I think the short film industry in itself is still at a nascent stage. It hasn't grown as yet and I feel it will still take a few years for people to actually make a mark in this format," he signed off.
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