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Rahul Mittra’s Tedx Talk wins hearts

Renowned award-winning filmmaker-actor & branding specialist Rahul Mittra’s electrifying Tedx Talk themed ‘Create with Courage' rece...

Renowned award-winning filmmaker-actor & branding specialist Rahul Mittra’s electrifying Tedx Talk themed ‘Create with Courage' received huge applause in Lucknow at a packed Jaipuria Institute of Management auditorium on Friday as he inspired the audience to push boundaries, embrace failures, and innovate with confidence. 

“Courage is not just an emotion, it's a driving force that enables us to confront fear and move forward. It doesn't just live in us but gives us the strength to overcome any challenge. Courage is the key to success, a force that empowers us to rise after every fall, to face the unknown with determination, and to push past the limits we set for ourselves. It teaches us to embrace failure as a lesson and turn every setback into a comeback. Choose courage over comfort,” said Rahul Mittra as hundreds of management students, corporate honchos, government functionaries and the media gave him a rousing reception. 

Tedx Talks is a platform for thought leaders, achievers, and influencers to share their experiences and insights, offering a roadmap to overcome challenges and achieve success.

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