Shraddha Music released a new Bengali single, ‘Tusu’, by Kaya Band and also released the promo of the new single Rubi Prem To Jomlo Na Tor S...
Shraddha Music released a new Bengali single, ‘Tusu’, by Kaya
Band and also released the promo of the new single Rubi Prem To Jomlo Na Tor
Sathe by Jojo Nathaniel in the presence of Papiya Adhikari & Kanchana Moitra as
guests at the Press Club on January 30. All the artists of the two albums were also present. The song will be available on Shraddha Music’s YouTube
channel and across all music platforms.
Kaya Band
members Arindam, Suvasis, Abhi, Archan, Parag & Raktim have contributed their best to ‘Tusu’ penned by Tanushree and dedicated to the famous Tusu festival traditionally celebrated in the month of
The promo of another song, Ruby Prem Too Jomlo Tor Na Sathe by Jojo Nathaniel, formerly of the rock band Shiva, too was released. With music is by Babul Bose the song is written and directed by Kajal Supriya. Its video will be released on February 14.
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