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Celebs share their summer fitness tips and tricks

Hot and humid summer days are tough when it comes to going for a workout or maintaining any sort of discipline. But, staying fit is an essen...

Hot and humid summer days are tough when it comes to going for a workout or maintaining any sort of discipline. But, staying fit is an essential part of a celebrity’s life, especially when they have to face the camera. In this feature, they talk about their fitness regime in summer, and the kind of workout they prefer. They also share some tips and tricks.

Sudhanshu Pandey

In summer it is slightly easier to stay fit because it’s very hot and when you workout or do any form of cardio, you sweat a lot. When you sweat a lot you tend to lose your water retention which helps to lose the fat percentage in the body, so it’s a little helpful in terms of the temperature during summer. Also, unlike the outside weather, gyms are mostly air-conditioned, and it is easier to work out there. Personally, I like to work out in hot spaces as I enjoy sweating it out as it really feels refreshing after it’s done. Maintaining weight is a task and one is in constant battle with whether it is during summer or winter. It’s just about your eating habits. If your eating habit and routine is right, your weight can be maintained and it has nothing to do with the weather at all. I am a vegetarian so it helps me to maintain my fitness much more easily. The most important thing is to sleep well. A good metabolism is the key to burning fat. Good sleep and the right diet along with a good moderate workout is the key to maintaining good fitness.

Lokit Phulwani

Hot and humid days are indeed very uncomfortable but it’s still better than the extreme dry heat of Dubai where I was before coming to Mumbai. With regards to exercise, today all gyms are properly air-conditioned, hence it’s not so much of an issue. I firmly believe that not only for an actor but for everyone irrespective of their age it’s very important to stay fit and healthy. I do meditation and yoga at home and if time permits, I go to the gym. I eat healthy, drink a lot of fluids and do my regular exercises. All my fitness routines are indoors largely. Even during summers, my schedule for outdoor walks becomes a little early in the mornings when it’s pleasant. When I am travelling, I make sure to go to the hotel gym. My diet consists of lots of fruits, salads, and regular protein shakes. My fluid intake becomes much more during summer. In fitness, there are no tricks but self-discipline. One must ensure to continue with daily fitness regimes and eat the right food. It’s important to keep yourself properly hydrated, especially when you are outdoors during this weather.

Nikhil Nanda

I try to follow a comprehensive fitness plan. I do a mix of yoga and gym three days each to ensure body flexibility along with muscles. I never take any unnatural supplements. I have only real protein which you get in paneer and sprouts. Despite being a vegetarian, I manage to provide all the necessary proteins and vitamins. I do a full body health check-up every 6 months. Meditation is a beautiful way to calm yourself.

Madalsa Sharma

Summer or no summer, I take care of myself by maintaining a strict diet and working out as and when I get the time. I do cardio and CrossFit at home. Wherever I go I make sure that I have controlled portions of food — be it carbs, proteins, or fats. So that way even though I might not hit the gym regularly, my body weight is maintained. Doing intermittent fasting has worked for me well.

Sanchita Banerjee

I drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated. I eat light and exercise at least four times a week. On some days, I go for walks. It's true dieting and exercising is tricky while travelling but I manage. In hotels also gyms are available and almost all hotels have gardens too where one can walk. If I eat a proper meal at lunch then I eat soup or salad at dinner time to balance it out.

Ruhaan Saapru

First of all, I keep myself hydrated by drinking plenty of water, fresh juices, fruits, and salads. Also, it’s very important to wear light clothing to prevent excessive sweating as it drains your energy. Training outdoors in hot and humid climates may cause sunstroke or heat stroke. So I prefer to work out indoors during the summer. My exercise includes working out in the gym, dance classes, and MMA training.  The metabolism is usually slow during the summer. So one does not feel that hungry as compared to winter. In my personal experience, losing weight or maintaining weight is one of the easiest tasks. I always carry my food measuring machine along with me whenever I travel so that I know what quantity I am eating. You will never go wrong if you measure your food and eat. The golden rules for maintaining a good physique and a healthy lifestyle are: what to eat when to eat and how much to eat. So if one sticks to these three points, weight loss will never seem to be a task again.

Sheeba Akashdeep 

Fitness for me is not seasonal. It’s not based on my weight, my mood, or the time of the year, I workout throughout the year. Depending on energy levels, the level changes but my workouts are consistent. Heat and humidity don’t matter as the idea is to sweat it out. If I find it a bit uncomfortable, I wear loose, cotton clothes or breathable fabrics. Diet and exercise should be called lifestyle choices. Eighty percent of the time I choose to eat healthy, like a lot of fruits, vegetables, juices, etc. When I am on vacation, I end up walking and swimming a lot. A very simple trick and tip for everyone is to get up early and have some movement for 10 minutes. If you are sitting for an hour on a chair, just get up, walk around and stretch a little and sit back down again.

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